The fortress of the cells. In the ruin and disarray of Banteay Kdei the carvings take one's advantage. They are interesting, choice, not very successive… they appear to be implied.. to make charming a human home.
Banteay Kdei is found south of Ta Prohm. An enter the landmark from the west and leave at the west or the other way around, in any case, likewise visit Srah Srang.
It was implicit center of the twelfth century to the start of the thirteenth century by lord Jayavarman II in Mahaya Buddhism with taking after no less than two diverse workmanship periods Angkor Wat and Bayon are perceptible at Banteay Kdei.
Banteay Kdei has not been restored and permits the guest to encounter what it may have looked like initially. Changes and augmentations represent is uneven format. Banteay Kdei was fabricated of delicate sandstone and a hefty portion of the displays and patios have gave way. The divider encasing the sanctuary was fabricated of reused stones.

A rectangular patio toward the east is known as 'the lobby of the moving young ladies', a name got from the embellishment which incorporates artists
The section tower of the second fenced in area (3) is fit as a fiddle of a cross with three entries; the two on either end are joined with the educated mass of the nook (4) 320 by 200 looks of figures and expansive female divinities in specialties. In the inside court there is a frieze of Buddha.
A thoroughfare of a later date, circumscribed with serpents, prompts the passage tower of the third walled in area. It embodies a laetrile divider incorporates an exhibition with a twofold line of sandstone columns that open onto a yard. Tip Parts of this zone have been walled in and section is constrained.
Remnants of the wooden roof can in any case be found in the focal Sanctuary. The displays and lobbies, which go along with it in a cross to the four section towers, are most likely augmentations. Two libraries open toward the west in the yards on the left and right of the thoroughfar